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Andrew Norris
By Andrew Norris | June 5, 2024 | Web Dev & Design

Whether you’re running a cosy coffee shop, a boutique handmade jewellery store, or a local plumbing service, having a website presence is an absolute must. Yes, even if you think you won’t get a ton of traffic. Let’s dive into why this is so important.

Online website presence = credibility

First off, credibility is key. Imagine a potential customer who hears about your business and wants to know more. Where do they go? These days, the first place people look is online. If they can’t find a website, they might start doubting your legitimacy. A professional-looking website instantly builds trust and shows that you’re serious about your business.

Accessibility is critical

Next up, is accessibility. Your physical store might have set hours, but a website is open 24/7. This means customers can learn about your products or services anytime they want. They can browse your offerings, read up on your story, and even make purchases or bookings while you’re asleep. Talk about making money while you dream!

A website is cost-effective

Another biggie is cost-effectiveness. Running a small business can be pricey, but creating a website doesn’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of affordable options out there that offer great design templates and easy-to-use tools. Plus, the return on investment is significant. A well-designed website can bring in more customers and increase sales, making it well worth the initial investment.

A website also provides a platform to showcase your brand’s personality. This is where you can share your story, showcase your products, and connect with your customers on a deeper level. You can include testimonials, blog posts, and a gallery of your work. It’s a space where your unique brand can shine and stand out from the competition.

Reach that bigger audience

Lastly, having a website helps you reach a broader audience. Even if you’re a small local business, the Internet allows you to reach potential customers beyond your immediate area. Someone from the next town over might discover your amazing handmade candles or your stellar landscaping services through a simple Google search.

In a nutshell, a website is an essential tool for every small business. It’s your digital storefront, a place where your brand can thrive, and a way to reach and connect with more customers. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to take the plunge and get your business online. Get in touch with the team at Webedge to see how we can help.