Last updated: March 2nd 2022

My authority to Webedge® to direct debit my credit card account

I authorise Webedge to:

  • make periodic direct debits of my account for services rendered;
  • make periodic direct debits of my account for Webedge’s fees and charges including:
    • Webedge’s fee in the event that I fail to meet a periodic direct debit; and
  • make the periodic direct debits in accordance with:
    • these Terms and Conditions; and

I will:

  • refer any disputed debit item or amount to Webedge.

My acknowledgment of when Webedge may terminate this Direct Debit Authority

Webedge may:

  • terminate this Direct Debit Authority and cease to provide the direct debit service at any time by written notice sent by mail or email.

My acknowledgment of when I may terminate this Direct Debit Authority and what may happen

I may:

  • terminate this Direct Debit Authority by providing seven (7) days’ notice to Webedge.

If I give notice to terminate this Direct Debit Authority, Webedge may:

  • make any periodic direct debits due within the seven (7) days notice period.

If a Direct Debit Authority is terminated by either party,

  • any contracts, agreements or payment obligations I have with Webedge will not be affected.

My acknowledgement of what may happen if the amount of the periodic direct debit is varied

If Webedge, in compliance with these Terms and Conditions, varies the amount of the periodic direct debit,

  • Webedge will do so without requiring a signed agreement; and
  • Webedge will do so without requiring a new Direct Debit Request Form.

My acknowledgment of when these Terms and Conditions may be varied

Webedge may:

  • vary these Terms and Conditions by posting a new version on its website.

Webedge will not:

  • notify the amended Terms and Conditions other than on its website; or
  • use this method to vary the amount of periodic direct debits.

I will:

  • check Webedge’s website from time to time for variations to these Terms and Conditions.

Any amended Terms and Conditions will apply to Webedge and me if:

  • Webedge posts the amended version on its website;
  • 14 days after posting, I have not objected; and
  • 14 days after posting, I have not terminated the Direct Debit Authority.

My acknowledgment of my responsibility in relation to periodic direct debits

I must:

  • inform Webedge of any changes to my account;
  • inform Webedge of any changes to my contact details;
  • do all things reasonably necessary to facilitate the periodic direct debiting of my account in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
  • have a suitable account available for the periodic direct debits; and
  • have sufficient funds available in my account for the periodic direct debits.

My acknowledgment of what may happen if I have insufficient funds

If I do not have sufficient funds in my account for the periodic direct debits and I do not have a genuine dispute with Webedge, Webedge may:

  • charge me a failed payment fee for each unsuccessful debit;
  • charge me the failed payment fee even though I have also been charged a fee by my financial institution.

Webedge will not:

  • be liable for any fees or charges which arise because I had insufficient funds in my account; or
  • provide any information or explanation regarding unsuccessful debits of my account.

I must:

  • direct any enquiries about unsuccessful debits of my account to my financial institution.

My acknowledgment of when a delay might occur

A delay may occur in the processing of a periodic direct debit if:

  • there is a public or bank holiday on the day or the day after a payment is due to be made by direct entry;
  • a payment is received either on a day that is not a banking business day or after the normal close of business on a banking business day;
  • Webedge does not receive the Direct Debit Request Form in time to process the request prior to the first due periodic direct debit;
  • Webedge does not receive a request for variation in time to process the request prior to the next due periodic direct debit;
  • information supplied on a Direct Debit Request Form or any requested variation is incomplete, incorrect, illegible or, for any other reason, does not allow Webedge to process the information promptly;
  • I do not meet my responsibility to have sufficient funds available in my account; or
  • there are failures or difficulties with technology.

My acknowledgment of what Webedge will and will not do in relation to variations with periodic direct debits

Webedge® will not be liable for any faults in the direct debiting of my account caused by:

  • fraudulent activity;
  • security hacking;
  • environmental disasters;
  • failure of technology systems used by Webedge;
  • any fault in the technology systems used by Webedge for direct debiting; or
  • any delay or interruption caused by the technology systems used by Webedge to facilitate direct debiting, except where such faults arise from Webedge’s own negligent acts or omissions.

My authority for Webedge to communicate with me

I authorise Webedge to communicate with me to:

  • validate and confirm my identity;
  • validate and confirm my credit card details;
  • validate and confirm my authority for periodic direct debits.

My release and indemnity to Webedge

I release and indemnify Webedge in respect of:

  • any payment made by me or any direct debit of my account made by Webedge pursuant to these Terms and Conditions;
  • the matters set out and payments made in accordance with the Direct Debit Request Form and these Terms and Conditions;
  • any claim I may have in relation to the payments made by me pursuant to these Terms and Conditions and the Direct Debit Request Form; and
  • any situation where, despite my account being debited by Webedge, Webedege fails to provide or suspends the provision of services to me, except where loss or damage arises due to Webedge’s own negligent acts or omissions.

I acknowledge that:

  • if any of these Terms and Conditions or any part of them is illegal or invalid, then only those terms and conditions or that part of them will be void and the remainder will remain in full force and effect.

I/we have read and fully understand the conditions of the Client Service Agreement.